The Women’s Studio Workshop in Rosendale, NY has announced two types of residency grants. Application deadline for both is Nov. 15, 2012. Here are brief summaries of the grants. Go to the links for specifics and application information.
Artists’ Book Residency Grant
This grant is designed to enable artists to produce a limited edition book work at WSW. Working intensively in their studios for six to eight weeks, artists print and bind their own books. WSW technical assistance includes training on new equipment, techniques and materials, and assistance with production.
Art-in-Ed Artist’s Book Residency Grant
Each year WSW awards two grants for emerging artists to create a new artist’s book and teach young people through their studio-based Art-in-Education (AIE) program, Hands-on-Art. Generally AIE/Book Arts residents teach 1-2 days per week for 3-4 weeks in the studios, and also visit the students in their home school in shorter sessions before and after the series held at WSW. For these residencies, WSW is especially interested in artists who come from different regions of the country and/or diverse cultural backgrounds.
Excellent topic i am really interested the bog writing is very great topic lot of people really want to know abut grants.
Government Grant