Philadelphia Center for the Book held its first Salon for members on Saturday, November 7th. It was held from 2-4:30 pm in the Community Room of Big Blue Marble Bookstore in West Mt. Airy and was hosted by Donna Globus, Karen Lightner and Susan Viguers. Five members attended. After introductions there was information sharing and conversation, including some about the Mt. Airy Artists’ Cooperative that is starting up in the neighborhood. We looked at books (both completed work and works in progress) that five of us had brought. The conversation was open and supportive and it was a great afternoon of sharing!
One participant wrote “the best part was meeting all of you and seeing your work in such a cozy place... The energy and camaraderie were terrific!”
We’re hoping that other members will sponsor salons in their studios or homes. If you’re interested contact membership@philadelphiacenterforthebook.org.
[Post by Karen Lightner]
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