“Show and Bestow”
The Ruth Hughes Collection of Artists’ Books
Call to donate artists’ books to a new collection at Oberlin College
Preceded by an exhibition at
the Free Library of Philadelphia,
November 20 – December 30, 2009
Books due by November 13th.
Send to:
Alice Austin
c/o The Library Company of Philadelphia
1314 Locust Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Please include name, email and mailing address.
Also, include a short description of your book.
For more information, email
Cancer affects everyone. Recently Ruth found out
that her life will be cut short by cancer.
You can help to celebrate life by donating an artist’s book in
her honor to a collection that will become a part of the Special
Collections at her alma mater, Oberlin College.
Your art work will be exhibited first in Philadelphia and
then at Oberlin College.