Sunday, June 20, 2010

Open Call for Collaboration

THE ONE THING I LEARNED FROM CANCER: Lived Experience Stories from Survivors and Eye Witnesses of the big C...

Open call for poetry, writing, rants, words, line drawings, notes, jpegs of found objects, artifacts of process or other imagery that tells the story about the one thing and the big C and your lived experience.


It's our guess that anyone who ever lived through Cancer or witnessed and accompanied a beloved who died from Cancer has a story to tell. And we have our own that need telling and sharing, too.


The goal of our project is to issue this invitation for collaboration, and then to collect & combine our stories in ways that provide for the art and healing that comes from sharing our lived experience and felt sense of knowing with one another through creative means.

Selected works will be memorialized in a book. A celebration of lived experience stories will be held. An "altared book" exhibition will be offered following publication and the time to altar the books (yes, altar--meaning, to make the book into an altar for one's self or other beloveds who have learned through this profound teacher, Cancer).

Group Altaring sessions/classes/experiences will be offered in a studio environment at dates and locations TBD.

For publication consideration, send your creative offerings via e-mail to before Midnight, July 4, 2010.


Contributing to the book is free--offered and received freely without the promise of compensation of any kind. (of course, if we find money, create support streams, strike riches or make it big, we promise to share the wealth with all who contribute).

Contributing allows The Black Hut leeway to include, promote, accept (or reject) contributor offerings and to publish findings, blog entries, promotional material and documentation on its website, blog, facebook page, in the book and in books written about the book.

The Black Hut is a collaboration between transformative artists Raven Reyes and elizaBeth Benson. We work to support each other in making our work and bridging it into the world. We met in the circles held throughout JFKU’s Transformative Arts Master’s Degree program and we continue to bridge the distance between art and community, space and place, the sacred and profane. We continue to meet in the crossroads of art and life, show up as ourselves, do what we do, invite people to play, and be who we are in all the worlds we bridge….

Keep track of the progress of this project by becoming part of our facebook family: click here.

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